Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thank You For The Toilet Paper

    I will never be a perfect mother but if there is one thing i would like to share with so much  joy  in my heart is teaching my children the shortest but probably the sweetest prayer  "Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus."
     When my kids Samantha, Thimothy and Schindlerie were toddlers, I taught them to thank God  for everything no matter how small, insignificant  they may be to others. I told them Jesus loves it so much when our hearts are grateful for all the things He has provided us. They thank God for the water every time they take a bath. They thank God for the sunshine every time they play outside. They thank God for the rain even if they have to stay inside the house waiting for the sun to shine again.
     Looking back, sometimes I feel guilty for teaching them something which sometimes I put out of my mind. It is heartbreaking and disappointing to admit that there were many times in my life I only thought of expressing my gratitude and appreciation to God when something miraculous happened, something impossible transpired or something I really wanted and prayed for was granted. The truth is, there are many things we should thank the Lord for. It was not a teacher, a preacher, or a friend who reminded me that simple truth. It was a two year old girl who, one afternoon, was told to say anything to God. Without hesitation, the little girl knelt, put her hands in a prayer position and with so much gladness, excitement and enthusiasm prayed, " Lord, thank you for the school time. Thank you for the playtime. Thank you for the bed, the TV. Thank you for the water, thank you for the sun."  The list was long and she almost ran out of things to say. Then, Schindlerie looked at me with sad eyes. She looked around but she already mentioned all the things she wanted to thank God for. Then all of a sudden, she gazed  at me with sparkle in her eyes, bowed her head and said, "LORD, THANK YOU FOR THE TOILET PAPER."       

First posted on Facebook -  Thursday, August 11, 2011                                          

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